Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Second Life

Professor Levinson describes Second Life as if it where another personality of the person and I guess for some people it is. I saw a report about IBM and this is how they conduct their meetings it doesn’t matter what part of the world you’re in you can log in to second life and join the meeting and the company loves it because it saves them money on flights and boarding but all the issues are discussed. I believe it’s another way for people to hide behind a computer and not socially interact with other humans face to face. Even though you have to admit that its like a video were you make yourself look as you wish and its your voice everyone hears but I repeat we are losing the face to face conversations and not to mention SEX in the virtual world. Creepy!!


  1. There are definitely practical uses for Second Life like holding meetings, but there are plenty of other programs and technologies which all for online meetings to happen. I wonder what is it about Second Life that draws IBM to it.

  2. I remember seeing this report on the PBS documentary we watched for this class. I agree with you that IBM only appears to be succeeding in merely decreasing its employer's face to face communication. Do these people consider that a good thing??

  3. I definitely see the its practicality in holding meetings for people in all parts of the world. However, I believe that it should only be used for such meetings.

  4. Considering the wear and tear on the environment, and economy, and on the individuals themselves and their families, that results from frequent business travel, and yes, I'd have to say it's a good thing. But to Tim's point, business webinar services or teleconferencing might be sufficient.
