Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Connectivity and Interaction

President Obama definitely set a strong precedent with his utilization of the internet, and his lead will likely be followed by presidents in the future. Obama and his followers used YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and other websites to reach broader audiences. As a result, Obama was able to communicate with diverse audiences and acquire important feedback. He gained a huge advantage over John McCain in such forums. Obama's greatest advantage was probably in the younger generations who are on the internet constantly. Certainly, the presidential campaigns of the future would be wise to attract and listen to audiences online.

Levinson makes a good point in arguing about Obama's campaign revealing his vice president only to those people on the email list. Although email has become widely popular, email can only reach so many people. The fundamental use of the internet is for people to connect and interact with all kinds of people. By revealing the vice president to only those people on the email list, Obama and his advisors were excluding many people who were interested in more information about such things. Levinson basically explains that the internet will definitely be a useful campaigning medium in the future, but older mediums like television, radio, and newspapers still can have a significant impact.

1 comment:

  1. I do think he is not as new media savvy as he seemed to be at first. But then again, most politicians have been so clueless about new media that knowing something about it comes across as expertise.
