This is the offical blog of Fordham University's Spring 2010 Social Media class.
myLot is a blog site – people from around the world can blog on different topics.
There are different sections - top news headlines, most active news, sports, most active blogs, television, music, technology, life … The site is organized making it easy for one to choose where to put one’s blog posts up according to their interests.
American Towns is a site that lists all the states and the towns. One can view the different events and meetings going around one’s home. One can even find special promotion classes such as yoga for only $10 or even for free at times. One can view apartments or any other real estate. There are different issues that are of importance to that town. It is a good site to know what’s going on around you.
This is a site where one can post their story on any health issues one might be going through or have gone through. One can find support or get advice from others who are dealing or who have dealth with similar or same health issues.
This is a site that has topics like politics, entertainment, business and humor. It is a social network and has different group options. One can vote on the different topic articles just like Digg. It also has a blog.
I have heard but never tried using Second Life. Reading Chapter 9 of Levinson’s book just made me realize all the different possibilities Second Life offers to different people.
This New York Times article discusses how people who moved out from a hotel were able to go back and reminisce through Second Life.
Being able to visit and tour the world through Second Life gives people the opportunity to visit certain places without spending the money. Also through Second Life, one can have the opportunity to become the person one wants to be and have a lifestyle that one always dreamed of. Everything one dreams of in the sense of fashion one can have. Here is another New York Times article discussing this.
I have never heard of this site before reading it in Levinson’s Chapter 5. After having gone to the site, it is somewhat interesting. To be able to read different article and being able to bury or dig it has an interesting concept to it. I like that the most popular articles are on the home page. Digg even has a Facebook connection so users from Digg can share their stories or interesting articles on their Facebook news feed or profile. Here is an article discussing the wonders of Digg.